REASONS: A crashed PC, problem with Broadband connection and a minor
health hiccup.
CURRENT STATUS: PC still non-functional, cant seem to set up broadband on mom's laptop (what the hell is error 769...?? All the techie
bloggers, help me out here) and no more health hiccups.
Special apologies to PRASHANTH and HEMANTH. Was asleep most of the time you guys used the mobile network to connect to me. I am "going Nithin"
as far as cellular balance is concerned. Will recharge first thing this
monday and you can expect an "Unexpected call" from moi. :P
Well so the news from my end is I got my visa for Singapore (yay!! It
was so damn hard to get one I tell you :P). I'm leaving on 20th-21st of
September so the next few days would be a little hectic with all the
I would try my best to get my PC fixed before I leave, read as many
blogs as I can, and turn a commentator once again ;) [Using a painfully slow dial-up connection...should give you an idea of how despo I am to connect to you guys!!). Will keep you
guys updated on the preparations and other stuff.
RECENT PREAPARATION UPDATES: I was gonna get something unique for the
race and show my support for Kimi, but I think considering his form, I
think it would be better to keep it low profile. Most of my shopping is
done, a little more left. Of course, last minute shopping is our forte,
aint it? ;)
Chalo, I'll sign off now, considering the unreliable dial-up connection
I'm using. See you all, with interruptions :( :(
P.S. Special note of mention to Priya, Crystal, Anoop, Alok, Aparna and
Vishesh... will be reading all of your blogs...I've seen quite a few
updates from you guys recently...Phew!! :)
Already missing you all!! :( :( Darn! Why does technology have to be
such an addiction!!
happy journey smriti...
and why keep low profile?? maybe ur support is what he needs to pep up his form!! :)